Chose from the different FAQ categories below:
Product Questions - for questions like "What are Wall Written Statements made of?" and "What kinds of surfaces can I apply a statement to?"
Maintenance - for answers to "Can I wash the statement once it has been applied?" and "Will bathroom humidity damage a statement?"
Outdoor / Car Usage - for "Can Wall Written Statements be used outdoors?" or "Can statements on a car go through a car wash?"
Product Removal - "How do I remove a statement?" and "When Wall Written statements are removed, does residue remain on the wall? If so, how do I remove it?"
Custom Design Questions - "What does the letter size refer to in the Custom Design Tool? It says size 10, but it looks to be only 7 inches tall?" and "Can you make my logo or other graphics?"
Gift Certificates - "How do I order Wall Written Gift Certificates?" and "Do Gift Certificates Ever Expire?"
Ordering & Shipping - "Do I need a PayPal Account to place an order?" and "How long will it take to receive my order?"
Returns - "What is your return policy?" and "What address should I ship my return to?"
Application Instructions - For detailed step-by-step instructions for applying a Wall Written Statement.